Caregiver Information

General Information for Parents & Caregivers

Dear Parent or Caregiver,

If your child wishes to join our Group. Please read this information below. You will be given a paper copy of this information by your child's section leader. The paper copy will include acknowledgement that you have read and understand the following infomration...

WHAT WE DO - Scouting’s mission:

The mission of the Scouting Association is to help young people to develop and use their abilities for the betterment of themselves, their families and the community in which they live. The Association fulfills this mission by encouraging the physical, mental, social and spiritual development of young people so that they may take a constructive place in society. It does this by imparting life skills using educational and recreational methods to provide an enjoyable and attractive scheme of progressive training based on the Scout Promise and Law and guided by adult leadership.


The main way we as a Group and Scouting NZ keep in contact with our wider community is via News Letters, Email Txt’s or notices which your young person brings home from section nights, so just like school please get into the habit of asking them if there are any notices, and check your Email at least once per week. Scouts will also receive verbal notices of forth coming events before or instead of the written notice.


We also have a 4 Golden Rules for safety that we ask parents and caregivers to observe:

  • DO NOT LEAVE your child at the hall until you have confirmed that there at least two adult leaders available. Section nights cannot run with only one adult, and one of these must be a warranted leader.

  • DO NOT ASSUME that because the lights are on and the door is open that it is safe to leave your child. Another group may be in the hall before us and may not yet have left. Come upstairs and confirm there are leaders and that your child is safe.


  • Keas and Cubs are not allowed to leave the hall unless an adult comes into the hall to collect them.

  • For Scouts we leave this to your discretion, but the leader-team never leaves until all children have been collected or are walking home. If you do allow your child to walk home please tell us – we cannot take their word for it, as we are responsible while they are in our care.